The NCPD Physical Disabilities Committee helps to fulfill the mission of NCPD by:
- Promoting welcome, access, and participation in all areas of parish and other areas of Church life for persons with physical disabilities, reinforcing current USCCB statements on disability.
- Seeking to educate and train priests and lay leaders regarding best practices for serving persons with physical disabilities in parishes and other areas of Catholic life.
- Creating, developing and sharing resources and best practices to achieve these goals.
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- Collaborating with NCPD’s Higher Education Committee to provide resources and educational opportunities in disability theology to persons with physical disabilities, priests, and lay leaders. The Physical Disabilities Committee also seeks to integrate disability theology into each area of its ministerial priorities.
- Collaborating with other NCPD Committees as appropriate, especially when the populations served by each committee experience an overlapping need or concern.
- Supporting persons with physical disabilities in discerning and living out their God-given vocation, whether it be to marriage, single life, consecrated life, priesthood, etc.
- Providing problem solving assistance for dioceses, parishes, individuals, and other organizations to achieve full access and remove barriers to participation for persons with physical disabilities.
- Promoting opportunities for persons with physical disabilities to experience community through advertising in-person and online events.
- Providing opportunities for persons with physical disabilities to receive self-advocacy training and to learn about their rights and responsibilities as members of the Church according to current USCCB statements.
Visit the NCPD Physical Disabilities webpage for more information.