“We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other.”
- Pope Francis, Meditation during Urbi Et Orbi Blessing. Friday, March 27th, 2020.
Important notes:
- View NCPD statement: Rights for Persons with Disabilities to Medical Treatment during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- If you are creating resources, please provide captions or edit YouTube captions.
- Healthcare workers can look to The National Catholic Bioethics Center for resources and support.
The National Catholic Bioethics Center.
Resources for COVID-19
March 2020
© 2020 by The National Catholic Bioethics Center
NCPD Resources:
Litany to Our Lady, Comforter of the Afflicted for Mental Health Support. Link to resource.
Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Medical Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Link to resource.
Mental Health
Gratia Plena, Catholic Counselors. Link to resource.
Helpline for Clergy & Religious. 888-526-9357. Saint Luke Institute. Link to resource.
Mental Health and the Coronavirus, Catholic Apostolate Center. Link to resource.
"Send us your Encouragement," Interfaith Network on Mental Illness. "We are asking for you to send us your Encouragements which we can add to our next newsletters. These encouragements could be your favorite poem(s), a reflection, a spiritual practice or discipline, a drawing, an experience which is sustaining you, a blog, some music, or a hope that builds your resilience muscle. We do look forward to hearing from you. Please send us your contributions to this email: keri@inmi.us."
Managing Coronavirus Anxiety, Saint Luke Institute. Link to resource.
Updates on the Coronavirus, NAMI. Link to resource.
COVID-19 Information and Resources, NAMI. Link to resource.
A Family Activity: Conscious Relaxation, Loyola Press.
"I hate it when somebody tells me, 'Just relax!' I would protest angrily, 'I am not stressed out!' I was wound up tight, but I didn’t know what to do to relax." Link to resource.
Care for your Coronavirus Anxiety
“Resources for anxiety and your mental health in a global climate of uncertainty.” Link to resource.
Coping with Anxiety during the outbreak, AARP
In today’s “AARP Minute,” tips on how to cope with anxiety during the coronavirus outbreak, plus how to get access to new books without leaving home. Link to resource.
Seven Ways to Cope with Anxiety During the Coronavirus Outbreak
“These ideas from the experts may help keep your anxiety under control,” AARP. Link to resource.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
“Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).” Link to resource.
"Sacred Place for Accessible Communication and Empathy," Kairos Forum. Link to resource.
Family Caregiver Alliance, National Center on Caregiving
“Family Caregiver Alliance is committed to continuing to support caregivers through the evolving situation associated with the coronavirus.”Link to resource.
Tips for Dementia Caregivers, Alzheimer’s Association. Link to resource.
John A. Hartford Foundation, Dedicated to Improving the Care of Older Adults. "What Older Adults and Their Family Caregivers Should Know.” Link to resource.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network. “Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)” Link to resource.
Daily Vlog, Our Daily Hope at Deaf Catholic Philly. Link to resource.
Caring for the Caregiver, NAMI article. Link to resource.
Ten Guidelines for Pastoral Care During the Coronavirus Outbreak, The Christian Century. Link to resource.
Deaf Community
How to Plan a Catholic Funeral, Father Sean Loomis. Wednesday, May 20th at 3 pm. Link to resource.
Deaf/ Hard of Hearing COVID-19 Resources. Gathered by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Link to resource.
We Wear Masks: A Social Story by Mr. Mike. Link to resource.
Stay in Contact with Each Other, Deaf Hearing Communication Center. Link to resource.
Stories of Jesus and the saints performed by Deaf actors. NCOD, and the Deaf Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. "In ASL with captions and voiced in English, the videos are great learning tools for young and old. Share with families with Deaf children--and hearing children as well." Link to resource.
National Catholic Office for the Deaf. List of Livestream ASL Masses and more. Link to resource.
Daily Vlog, Deaf Catholic Philly. Link to resource.
Talking to kids about Coronavirus: ADL and English Resources, American Society for Deaf Children. Here are some resources from trusted sources, both in English and ASL, to help you get the information you need to have open, informative, and comforting conversations with your child. Link to resource.
Updates regarding the Coronavirus in ASL, The Daily Moth. Link to resource.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Supporting Individuals with Autism Through Uncertain Times, Autism Focused Interventions & Modules. "The following 7 support strategies are designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with autism during this period of uncertainty. In addition, examples and ready-made resources are included to help caregivers implement these strategies quickly and easily. " Link to resource.
NEW: "How To: Teaching Handwashing," VCU Autism Center for Excellence. This How To video is for families, educators, and community members who are teaching the steps of handwashing to individuals with ASD. This video includes strategies for those who need more support such as using a task analysis, prompting, using visual supports, and using reinforcement. Link to resource.
COVID-19, VCU Autism Center for Excellence. Link to resource.
Coronavirus: Response & Resources, Autism Society of America. Link to resource.
Disaster Preparedness Tips for Families Affected by Autism, Autism Society of America. Link to resource.
Additional Emergency Preparedness Website, Autism Society of America. Link to resource.
Coronavirus Information Weekly Series, Autism Society of America. COVID-19 challenges for the Autism community including mental health, emergency funding, and financial planning. Link to resource.
Online Faith Formation
Returning to Mass Social Story, produced by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Link to resource.
When Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Grieve, Diocese of Toledo. Link to resource.
How to wash hands Catholic Style!, Catholic Diocese of Dallas. Handwashing instructions with the “Our Father” and “Apostles Creed.” Link to resource.
Weekly COVID-19 Resources, Bayard Faith Resources at Home. Link to resources.
52 Sundays, A Guide to Reclaim the Lord's Day for Faith and Family, Archdiocese of Detroit. Link to resource.
A Faith Response to the Coronavirus, Paul Canavese. Link to resource.
Children with Special Needs Teaching Tips, RCL Benziger.
"In the Blest Are We: Faith and Word faith formation program, catechists/teachers are guided to address the learning differences of children throughout the year." Link to resource.
Saint Resource, RCL Benziger.
"Read stories of Catholic saints, RCL Benziger." Link to resource.
Digital Resources for Finding God, Loyola Press. "For those who use the Finding God program, check out their online resources." Link to resources.
Adaptive Learning and Special Needs, Our Sunday Visitor. Link to resource.
A Moment with Jesus, Loyola Press. “A Moment with Jesus is a prayer feature designed to connect the truths children are learning in religious education sessions to the presence of Jesus Christ in their lives.” Link to resource.
How to sign the Hail Mary, and the Our Father, the Act of Contrition, as well as make the Sign of the Cross, Loyola Press. “For children with special needs, the development of speech, language, social, and emotional skills are enhanced through the use of sign language.”Link to resource.
We Are Special Awards (activity), Loyola Press. “Make an award to give to a friend to recognize what is special about him or her.” Link to resource.
Special Learning Need Guide: Together in Jesus: First Eucharist Link to resource.
Catechetical Resources, Sadlier.
"Download seasonal and thematic resources to support professional development and faith formation in class and at home." Link to resource.
Miss Debbie's Tips for Early Childhood Educators from RCL Benziger. Short training videos containing catechetical tips for children in preschool and kindergarten. Link to resource.
Helping Kids Cope with the Coronavirus Outbreak
Greet from Six Feet song for Children. Link to resource.
Home with Kids: A Collection of Suggestions. Link to resource.
A Faith Response to the Coronavirus and other Pastoral Tools, A Growing up Catholic Ministry. Link to resource.
Inclusion Resource, Sadlier. "Explore ways to help all children grow as Jesus’s disciples and to encourage them to participate authentically in the sacraments and religious education." Link to resource.
Dr. Joseph D. White – Child and family psychologist, OSV. "How can we help kids cope with the stress of the outbreak and its ongoing effects to our everyday lives? Find Doctor White’s suggestions online." Link to resource.
PSA: Talking to Your Kids about COVID-19 w/Dr. Harvey Payne. "Get tips on talking to your children effectively about COVID-19 to reduce anxiety. From Dr. Harvey Payne, dean of DMU's School of Counseling." Link to resource.
Disability Articles, Loyola Press. Articles pertaining to disability for catechists, teachers, and families. Link to resource.
Prayers, Catholic Health Association of the United States. resource
The Easter Triduum, A Virtual Celebration. Link to resource.
Ten Minute Retreat, Sadlier. Link to resource.
Daily Spiritual Rituals, Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. "During these difficult and trying times, priests of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston will be offering daily spiritual reflection videos to help us stand firm in faith and hope." Link to resource.
Prayers During an Epidemic, Our Sunday Visitor.
"Hear our pleas, our good shepherd and divine physician. We implore your mercy in the wake of an outbreak of serious illness and disease." Link to resource.
Blessings and Family Prayers. "Daily life provides parents with many opportunities to offer prayers of blessing with and for their children." Link to resource.
Spiritual Resources and Prayers, Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Livestreaming Masses, prayers, and more. Link to resource.
Video of Coronavirus Prayer found on the website “America: The Jesuit Review.” Link to resource.
Sunday Mass
Saint Clements Shrine, Boston MA: 11:00 am EDT. View here.
Diocese of Dallas (English and Spanish). View here.
EWTN Chapel. View here.
Daily Mass
Saint Clements Shrine, Boston MA: 8:00am EDT. View here.
Word on Fire: 8:15 am EDT. View here.
EWTN. View here.
The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception: 12:00pm EDT. View here.
Additional Resources:
NEW: Faith Accompaniment for People with Disabilites Amid Pandemic, Vatican News. Link to resource.
50 Creative Ideas for Parishes During COVID-19: Diocese of Orange. Link to resource.
Civil Rights, HIPAA, and the Coronavirus Disease - HHS Office for Civil Rights in Action. Link to resource.
Resources for Chaplains Encountering Coronavirus - Chaplaincy Innovation Lab. Link to resource.
Livestream at your Church Tutorial. Link to resource.
V Encuentro. Resources for Ministry during Covid-19 Crisis. Link to resource.
Center for Disease Control
Situation Summary. Link to resource.
“If you are at higher risk.” Link to resource.
“Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations for Community/Faith-Based Leaders” Link to resource.
“Checklist for Community and Faith Leaders” Link to resource.
National Down Syndrome Society. Infographic. Link to the resource.
Please be assured of our prayers for your safety and well-being during this time of uncertainty given the outbreak of COVID-19. If you have any suggestions for resources that could help the NCPD community, please email ncpd@ncpd.org.