Xavier Society for the Blind provides the following scripture resources:
- The New American Bible (Revised Edition) in large print in a downloadable format. This is the translation approved by the USCCB and includes notes for each book of the Bible. The print is in size 22 font, sans serif.
- Missalette in large print.
- Select books of the bible in hard-copy braille.
- All books of the bible in a downloadable format in a BRF (braille-ready file).
All of these resources are available free of charge! Registered Xavier Society for the Blind patrons interested in downloading can do so by clicking here. You will need to log-in using your username and password. Once signed in, click the download link on the screen. If you need your log-in details, or are not yet a patron but would like to register, please email clientservices@xaviersocietyfortheblind.org or call 800-637-9193 or 212-473-7800.
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