NCPD has partnered with the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame to develop a new course for parents, teachers, and ministers called "The Body and Beyond: Human Sexuality for Young People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities from a Catholic Perspective" This 6-week course, beginning April 17, will be facilitated by NCPD Board Member Dr. Mary O'Callaghan. It offers an overview of why such education is important and an introduction to the various topics it would cover, as well as some teaching suggestions. Each week, participants will engage in one live Zoom chat with classmates and watch short videos on their own. The weekly time commitment is approximately 1 synchronous hour and 1 asynchronous hour. Registration is limited to 20 people and the course fee is $99. Ministers completing the course are eligible for a certificate of completion and will receive free access to the materials they would need to implement the course in their diocese or parish. Those with questions can contact Clare Kilbane
Mon, 04/17/2023 - 10:30am EDT to Mon, 06/05/2023 - 10:30am EDT