Seminar 6: God’s Care for Us: Ensuring Safety and Protection. Register here.
Seminar Series Description:
From a Catholic perspective, human sexuality is understood as being more than biology and reproduction. When considered in its fullness, human sexuality communicates both God’s love and plan for the human person. All young people then, especially those with special needs, benefit from “Sex Ed.”
In this free, virtual seminar series, parents, ministers and teachers who care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities will gain useful information that equips them to provide important education in human sexuality. However, they will also be invited to share their own insights and experiences related to the content being presented so that it can be further refined and improved. Across 6, 90-minute Zoom seminars, participants will explore the scope and sequence of a comprehensive human sexuality program (including, vocation, anatomy, reproduction, relationships, hygiene, and personal safety) and engage many “frequently asked questions” including:
How does the Church understand sexuality? Why is this important? Especially for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)?
Do people with IDD really need Sex Ed? Won’t this create more problems than it solves?
Why isn’t education about human sexuality best addressed in a classroom setting? Why is it more appropriate when offered in an individualized manner and from a Catholic perspective?
What topics are important to address in education about human sexuality for individuals with IDD? When? Why?
What are the best methods for offering Sex Ed to individuals with IDD?
Featuring seminar facilitators:
Mary O’Callaghan, Catholic mother and developmental psychologist
Clare Kilbane, Catholic mother and educational specialist
Registration will be limited to 30 participants per seminar.
Participants are encouraged to attend as many seminars as possible, but may choose to attend just one. Recordings of the presentations (without participant comments/discussions) will be made available upon request. All participants are encouraged to attend or watch seminar 1 as it presents foundational content for the other seminars.
Few resources exist on this topic for Catholic parents, teachers, and ministers. This seminar series is designed to “pool” the expertise of the many different individuals who care for young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities for the purpose of creating some.
For questions or concerns, please contact Clare Kilbane