August 7-9
Hilton Salt Lake City Center, Utah
Hosted by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability
View conference website.
More than 350 participants are expected to attend this conference. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, the deadline to do so is January 24, 2025. Please share this invitation further.
PURPOSE: This conference is designed to foster inclusive Catholic parish and school communities nationwide by equipping ministry leaders, catechists, educators, persons with disabilities, caregivers, clergy, religious, and the faithful with the tools, knowledge, and resources to create welcoming, proactive, and accessible environments for all. Through exceptional training, panel discussions, practical resources, networking opportunities, and exhibitors, attendees will have the tools to ‘make parishes everyone’s home.’
- Provide current strategies and ‘best practices’ about disability ministry;
- Reflect on disability from a Catholic perspective;
- Increase fully accessible environments and programming in faith communities;
- Promote knowledge that removes stigma and misperceptions about disability;
- Share models and resources that make Catholic parishes a home for all; and,
- Encourage evangelizing faith communities that unite all members of the Church.
CONFERENCE TARGET POPULATIONS: This conference is specially designed for diocesan leadership, parish leadership, clergy, religious, lay ministers/volunteers, principals/educators, catechists, persons with disabilities, families, therapists/social workers, and all persons who have a heart for disability ministry
PROGRAM FEATURES: We are seeking proposals in English and Spanish. Sessions will be an hour long with 15 additional minutes for questions. Proposal topics we are seeking include but are not limited to:
- Diocesan Initiatives
- Parish support
- Families
- Care providers
- Specific disability
- Clergy
- Veterans
- Catholic schools
- Theology
- Sacraments
- Lifelong faith formation
- Mental Health
PROPOSAL PROCESS & TIMELINE: All submissions will be reviewed by NCPD. Submission deadline is FRIDAY, JANUARY 24. Applicants will be notified by March 1.
Presenters may choose either a waived conference registration fee or a $300 stipend for each presentation. Please note that travel, lodging and meal expenses are the responsibility of the presenter.
Contact Charleen Katra (ckatra@ncpd.org)