NCPD distributes large-print formats of the official text of the Roman Missal Third Edition to priests with low vision to help them celebrate Mass. We offer font sizes 24, 34 and 44.
The documents on CD are on a pdf that only allows printing, not copying of text. Font sizes 24, 34 and 44 are available on the CD. Print editions are also available but cost more to produce.
A number of pages for each font size:
- Font Size 24 has 2,700 pages.
- Font Size 34 has 4,800 pages.
- Font Size 44 has 8,100 pages.
After almost a year and a half of being unable to preside the Eucharist as a result of my drastic vision loss, a great miracle happened: the Large Print Roman Missal was given to me. I am so grateful that this great resource restored my ability to preside again.
- Father Enrique, Boise ID
This initiative is approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Donation are appreciated.