"Having a sibling with disabilities comes with its challenges, but it has also been one of the most joy-filled relationships of my life. Kelly possesses a joy that is deeper and more authentic than anyone else I've ever met. Although she can't communicate verbally, she is able to quickly brighten my day with the love in her eyes, her sweet smile, or by grabbing my hand in hers and holding it tight. She continually teaches me to appreciate the little things, and to lean on the love of family when the going gets tough. I'm very grateful for my little sister and the many blessings she brings to my life!" - Heather Cooksey, Diocese of Galveston- Houston.
As the mother of three autistic children, I’ve spent countless hours working on the forming of connections and expanding their communication skills. I have every technique in the book. I’ve enticed, obstructed, or rewarded to grab their attention. To get them to leave the comfortable world they retract into and join mine. I know that many times joining my world can be overwhelming for them. It is more comfortable to retreat. So, I use toys, affect and love to reinforce when they connect with me. Once they do, I work on extending those moments as much as possible. Then I do it again and again, sometimes working for half an hour for just a few seconds of connection, of moving my child closer to my world. Sound familiar?
I began to see how God our Father is constantly seeking us, inviting us to join him in his view of our world, his view of our life. Inviting us to leave the comfort of the desired, for the uncertainty of his loving call. He too entices us with that beautiful sunrise. With his daily providence, with prayers answered or with consolation for those that seemed unanswered. Above all that includes the sacraments. Being in communion with him in the Eucharist is a moment of connection that I now appreciate a thousand times more. Sometimes I can only give him a few minutes, but he is God! Everything that we bring he can work with. Some days I bring him a shattered heart, some days a filled one. He will use what you have and even what you want. He can use those desires of your heart to fill and console a heart like yours.
Happy Mother’s Day!