Include one petition per week during April Masses.
That families that include members with autism and other disabilities will find a welcoming home in the Catholic Church, let us pray to the Lord.
For parishes to find the resources they need to reach out to all their members, especially those with autism and other disabilities, new parents, older parishioners, busy families, and veterans and their families, let us pray to the Lord.
For our parish family during Autism Awareness Month, that we will model the welcoming and inclusive ministry of Jesus, seeking always to see the image of God in every person, let us pray to the Lord.
That growth in understanding of autism and other disabilities will lead to relationships of support and increase a sense of belonging for those who live with disabilities and their families, let us pray to the Lord.
That families and all who live with autism and other disabilities will find their faith to be a source of strength, community, and hope, let us pray to the Lord.
Provided by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability Autism Task Force.