One Classroom was parent foundation founded in 2015 and is dedicated to supporting the over 100 Catholic grade schools and over 30 Catholic High Schools in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO. We have now helped 14 Catholic schools welcome children with special needs and we financially support eight schools.
One Classroom is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation committed to creating inclusive catholic educational opportunities for children with special needs and their peers. Through our fundraising and promotional events, providing professional development and connecting families, we enable parishes to support, schools to provide, and families to advocate for inclusive education.
We envision an authentic Catholic community that embraces the dignity of every individual to live in the full measure of Christ’s blessings and where all are welcomed.
One Classroom:
•Builds Awareness & promotes inclusive Catholic education in our archdiocese
•Connects families & builds a community that supports inclusive Catholic education
•Fundraises and provides funding grants to schools welcoming children with special needs
•Provides a network of expert resources & practitioners to schools welcoming children with special needs
• Creates forums and opportunities for professional development and sharing of best practices
One Classroom
P.O. Box 221447
St. Louis, MO 63122
Anthony & LeeAnn Armitage, Founders, Co-Directors
Cell: 1-314-406-4797
Colleen Mooney, Director of Programming
Cell: 1-314-616-7558