For use in private prayer.
Holy Mother, Comforter of the Afflicted and Queen of Peace.
So many of us are struggling with mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Turn your loving gaze upon us and be a source of comfort during this time of need.
For persons with autoimmune disorders...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For persons with OCD...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For persons with paranoia...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For persons with sensory disorders...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For those who are sick with COVID-19...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For those who might not have the resources to self-isolate...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For the homeless...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For the hungry...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For those who have lost their jobs...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For businesses who are struggling to make ends meet...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For those who are hungry...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For those experiencing domestic violence...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For persons with limited access to healthcare...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For those who are grieving...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For students...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For healthcare workers...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For grocery store workers...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For postal service workers...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For public transportation workers...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For the elderly...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For caregivers...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For parents of children with disabilities...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For parents with limited childcare...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For single parents...Holy Mother, comfort them.
For anyone who is lonely or afraid...Holy Mother, comfort them.
Holy Mother, Comforter of the Afflicted and Queen of Peace,
we know that you are with us and we know that you love us.
Help us to turn our eyes towards your maternal gaze in this time of distress.
We implore your intercession so that you
can help us to unite more fully in Christ’s merciful love.
© The National Catholic Partnership on Disability 2020