Strategic Priorities of the Andrew M. Greeley Center for Catholic Education (GCCE):
Supporting schools through innovative Professional Development
Sustaining and enhancing Catholic school leadership
Creating Inclusive Approaches for Catholic schools
Advancing the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools
GCCE offers site-based professional development services, consulting services, conferences, degrees, and certificates. The work of GCCE benefits schools, dioceses, and religious congregations worldwide.
Leading Inclusive Catholic Schools LInCS Certificate Program (online, 12 credit hours)
- Participants will self-assess their schools and design the necessary systems, structures, and practices to support all learners
- The program is geared towards Catholic School Principals, Assistant Principals, Diocesan Leadership, and Teacher Leaders (Special Educators, Inclusion Programs Directors/ Coordinators, and Interventionists)
- Courses include Special Education and the Catholic School, Three-Tier Prevention: Advanced Primary Supports, Three-Tier Prevention: Secondary and Tertiary Supports, The Exceptional Child.
Catholic School Leadership MEd (online or blended format, 36 credit hours)
- Catholic identity integral throughout coursework, preparing candidates to be a faith leader as well as an instructional leader in their classes
Certificate in Instructional Coaching (online, 12 credit hours)
- Courses could be applied to MEd in Administration and Supervision with Principal Licensure