Discussing mental health as a Catholic was isolating at times. Attending a faith-based conference like this made it easier to have these conversations and learn more.
Mental Health Conference participant
I am thoroughly convinced that one of the most important ministry initiatives in the Church is the National Catholic Partnership on Disability.
Dr. Miguel Romero, former NCPD Board member
NCPD provided everything from online promotional materials to printable materials such as brochures. They also trained us on how to be welcoming, what the liturgy should look like, and how to train liturgical ministers.
Parish leader, Sensory-Friendly Mass Training participant
We found NCPD at a time when we were beginning to lose hope. Because of the NCPD, we now know the Church cares greatly for Veronica and our family. Although there is a great amount of work to do here locally, we feel supported and equipped because we have the NCPD on our side!
Anna Wells, Mother of a child with a disability
Having been involved in ministry at all levels for over 40 years, it is always exciting to have a national organization that gets the service they are providing. I am very impressed with NCPD and the level of support, resources, trainings, and connection they are providing. I have sent many of my parish leaders and individual families to the web site to discover all the wonderful resources they have.